In the online space, it's 'normal' to have a 7-figure business without knowing how to structure your operations to withstand economic uncertainty.

But if you still want to be here next year, that can no longer be the case.

How to Remove Yourself from the Day-to-Day Operations Without Negatively Affecting Profits

...even if your team depends on you for EVERYTHING (and you’re working 60+ hour weeks)


2PM EDT - 3:30 PM EDT


"Scale" they said, "it'll be fun" they said.

Meanwhile, you're staring at a to-do list longer than a CVS receipt, a team demanding your attention 24/7, and not a moment to rest, let alone breathe, in sight.

And profit? Ha, what's that?!

The business that was supposed to be your ticket to freedom has now turned into a cash-eating monster that constantly needs to be fed with your time, energy, and sanity just to stay alive.

If this sounds like you, this will be the most valuable page you'll read all year.

The truth is, online businesses can grow quickly, and overnight success is a legitimate thing in our industry.

That means we can rapidly end up building a "more" business.

“More” Business = you always need more.

More revenue → More work hours → More Team.

Until you build a company based on recurring revenue, you will have up-and-down months.

(If anyone tells you that’s not true, you should fire them and walk away—it's just part of the game.)

So, what do you do when you're strapped for time and definitely not slowing down?

"Just delegate it"

" Just hire"

"Stay in your zone of genius"

At face value this is good advice, but only when intentionally executed with clear frameworks as guardrails.

Hiring to escape pain is like overdosing on ibuprofen.

You think you’re solving the problem, but you're actually putting your business into the Emergency Room.

The more you onboard, the deeper you sink into "more" business territory.

Now, herein lies the problem…

  • has a great few months in a row

  • feels the capacity level hitting

  • hires more team to provide a good experience, plus frees you up

  • has not so great month, that’s okay, has reserves

  • has not so great month again, still okay, has reserves

  • another banger month, record # of new clients

  • hires to be ahead, plus support clients and get you for freed up capacity

  • bad month, that’s okay

  • bad month, ouch, I feel this now

  • mediocre month, payroll exceeds income

  • and repeat

If you look at the chart, you’ll notice an eerily familiar pattern.

The chances of keeping your head above water are BRUTAL.

It’s kind of like needing to change your diet, accidentally getting sick, losing 5 lbs, and thinking,

“Oh, it’s all good now”—nope.

In the online space, it’s possible to have a 7-figure business without knowing how to structure your Operations to withstand economic uncertainty.

In fact, it’s normal.

But that can’t be the case if you want to be here in another year.

Okay great now you know the problem, but how do you FIX this?

  • Fix your operational (team + systems) infrastructure

  • Reinvest yourself strategically to make more

We're going to dive into exactly this in our 90 mins together.


Disclaimer... What I’m going to share with you is a completely different approach to scaling Operations than you’ve ever heard before—one with depth that actually works.

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Here's what we're going to cover....

For the founders who are almost (but not quite) ready to burn their business down -- and can't figure out where it's going wrong:


5 Secret Keys to Remove Yourself & Make More Profit

  • How to fix horrible margins WITHOUT having to pile on new revenues (there are 3 ways we tackle profit margins and none of them have to do with "more sales")

  • Discover the Foundations that every successful business has in place and how you can implement them yourself for effortless scaling


How to Reclaim & Reinvest Your Time to 4x Your Value

  • More work = more money, right?

    No. It just means you burn out faster. The key is working on a short list of things that ONLY you as CEO can do.

    Some clients have cut their workweeks in half while boosting revenues + profit using this model.

  • Calculate how much your hours are truly worth and learn the exact amount you can afford to delegate tasks, averaging a 4x return on labor investment.


A Simple Strategy to Escape "The Weeds" Without Hiring

  • How my clients are replacing the day-to-day activities in their business without needing to bring in partners or hire expensive corporate talent.

    We are looking for 5 specific traits, and I show you how to find them.


    Learn the foolproof method to identify and elevate internal leaders who will handle the daily Operations FOR you.

"I'm already slammed with to-dos, why should I invest 90 mins into this?!"

I get it.

You're drowning in to-do lists, your slack is popping off, and you already feel like there is never enough time to get it all done.

Genuine question - do you see a light at the end of the tunnel?

Do you think crossing all those things off your list will actually give you space to breathe?

Or will more somehow just magically appear?

Will reading another book or listening to another podcast help?

Maybe, but why not just set some actual time aside (just like you would for a meeting) to find and fix the root issue.

It's like driving a car with a nail in your tire.

You can keep driving and hoping it goes away, stopping off to put some more air in here and there, but eventually, it'll pop.

Take the time to fix this now, before you end up stranded on the side of the road later.

This is not some "perfect webinar" where you listen to me drone on about how awesome I am, all these results I've gotten clients, and then I pitch you so you leave in the exact same place you were before, but now you’ve wasted your time.


This is a WORKSHOP.

I will be training you on my IP, having you APPLY it directly to your business LIVE, and walk away with tangible data and next steps – whether you take me up on my offer to work with me or not (but you’re going to want to)

You'll walk away with 2 assets DONE:

The Inversion Calculator

The 5 Keys Analysis

Meet Your Host

I’m Alexys Bartok.

After years working in online businesses, going from VA to COO twice by the age of 21, I founded Process to Profit to help businesses streamline their operations and scale sustainably.

What I’m about to share with you is my Scale Without Sacrifice Model: a revolutionary approach designed to free business owners from the day-to-day, allowing them to focus on growth and innovation, plus get back their freedom.

This model not only increases profits and reduces stress but also empowers you to reclaim your time and create meaningful memories with your loved ones.

The passing of my father and grandmother within months caused me to dive deep to find the happy memories we shared. I realized my client's children would one day do the same, giving birth to my mission "Enjoy the NOW."

We don't just care about your business, we care about your life. This is how you can "have it all."

Let's dive in.


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DISCLAIMER: The results stated on this page are our personal figures and in some cases the figures/outcomes of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We're not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). We're using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT APPLY TO PURCHASE THIS PACKAGE.